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Empowering Neurodivergent Minds

Are you ready to embrace your unique strengths and turn challenges into opportunities? The Embracing Intensity Guest Call Library offers an unparalleled collection of expert-led sessions designed to help neurodivergent adults, gifted individuals, and anyone seeking personal growth harness their full potential. This isn’t just another resource library—it’s your resource for navigating life with confidence and clarity.
From understanding neurodivergence to thriving in relationships, this library has it all. Explore sessions led by renowned specialists in fields like neurodivergent leadership, emotional healing, and boundary setting. Each call is packed with actionable strategies tailored to the unique needs of neurodivergent minds.
Typical advice doesn’t always fit those of us who think outside the box. Whether you’re looking to build healthier relationships, develop leadership skills, or understand your cognitive profile, these calls meet you where you are—embracing both your challenges and your extraordinary potential.
You’ll find over 50 in depth discussions on topics related to neurodivergence, giftedness & creativity, including:
Does perfectionism hold you back from reaching your true potential? Aileen helps you explore how to let go of unattainable standards, embrace imperfection, and discover the freedom that comes with self-acceptance.
Do you ever feel like you’re not truly qualified, despite your accomplishments? Kate dives into why imposter syndrome is so common among gifted and neurodivergent individuals and provides tools to reframe your mindset and own your brilliance.
What if you could turn self-doubt into a source of play and creativity? Jeff’s session takes a fun and transformative approach to understanding and working with your inner critic, helping you foster a more compassionate inner dialogue.
Feeling stuck in the never-ending stress loop? Dr. Zarya Rubin reveals the science behind stress and provides actionable strategies to interrupt the cycle, helping you regain calm and focus.
Gifted and neurodivergent individuals often set impossibly high standards for themselves. Heather’s talk offers practical strategies to cultivate self-compassion and turn your inner critic into an ally.

- Neurodivergent Thinkers: ADHD, LD, Autistic, gifted, and/or twice exceptional? You’ll find strategies tailored just for you.
- Deep Feelers and High Achievers: Overwhelmed by intensity or struggling with perfectionism? Discover tools to turn your fire into fuel.
- Curious Learners: Seeking to understand yourself or support others? Gain insights from professionals who get it.
Busy schedule? No problem. Revisit sessions at your own pace whenever inspiration strikes.
Each speaker combines lived experience and professional expertise, ensuring authentic, relatable insights. Featuring such renowned speakers as Cate Osburn, of Catieosaurus, René Brooks, of Black Girl, Lost Keys, Paula Prober, of Your Rainforest Mind, and Brendan Mahan, founder of the Wall of Awful.
You’re not alone in your journey. Connect with like-minded individuals who celebrate your intensity and drive in the Embracing Intensity Community.
The Embracing Intensity Community is a community of gifted, creative and neurodivergent individuals who are exploring their strengths while supporting their challenges.
Sign up for our free resource library to access log in information and upcoming calls, along with other free resources below.
Invest in yourself with the Embracing Intensity Guest Call Library. For just $2.59 to start and $4.99 a month, you gain lifetime access to a treasure trove of wisdom that will transform how you view and navigate the world.
Don’t wait to start living your fullest, most vibrant life. Dive in and embrace the intensity that makes you, you!
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- What topics are covered in the call library?ADHD Productivity: ADHD Productivity w/ Arianna Bradford
Anxiety: The Wall of Awful w/ Brendan Mahan
Assessment: 2E Assessment w/ Aurora Remember
Asynchronous Development: Asynchronous Development in Gifted Adults w/ Tiffany Chhuom
Burnout: From Burnout to Brilliance: Conquer Burnout & Truly Thrive w/ Zarya Rubin, MD
Confidence: Building Confidence & Resilience w/ Cosette Leary
Creativity: Creativity as Self-Care w/ Sharon Burton
Decolonizing Neurodivergence: Decolonizing Neurodivergence: From Violence to Love w/ Dr. Kimberly Douglass
Decolonizing Neurodivergence: Play as a Tool for Decolonizing Neurodivergence w/ Dr. Kimberly Douglass
Drama vs. Passion: Drama vs. Passion w/ Alexandra Loves
Embracing Intensity Journey: The Embracing Intensity Journey w/ Aurora Remember
Emotional Intensity: Emotional Intensity w/ Christine Fonseca
Gifted Culture: The Gifted Shift w/ Anamaria Call
Goal Setting: Goal Setting & Fear w/ Clinton Fetters
Healing: The Healing Power of Music w/ Princess Fortier
Imposter Syndrome: Imposter Syndrome w/ Kate Arms
Inner Critic: Playing with Your Inner Critic w/ Jeff Harry
Intensity: Thriving with Intensity w/ Kate Arms
Intimacy: Neurodivergent Intimacy w/ Cate Osburn
Intuitive Flow: Intuitive Flow w/ Kari Betton
Journaling: The Science of Writing to Heal w/ Nneka Denise
Journaling: Writing to Heal w/ Nneka Coxeff
Leadership: Neurodivergent Leadership w/ Marc Almodovar
Motivation: On Motivation w/ René Brooks
Music: The Healing Power of Music w/ Princess Fortier
Nature: Connecting with Nature w/ Rukshana Triem
Neurodivergence: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Queerness w/ Leela Sinha
Neurodivergent Labels: Neurodivergent Labels w/ Aurora Remember Holtzman
Nonviolent Communication: Nonviolent Communication w/ Bob Yamtich
Overexcitability: Overexcitability w/ Chris Wells
Patriarchy: Dismantling Patriarchy Through Play w/ Jeff Harry
Perfectionism: Perfectionism w/ Aileen Kelleher
Perspective: See Life Through a Different Lens w/ Zaakirah Muhammad
Play: Dismantling Patriarchy Through Play w/ Jeff Harry
Play: Play as a Tool for Decolonizing Neurodivergence w/ Dr. Kimberly Douglass
Play: Playing with Your Inner Critic w/ Jeff Harry
Play: The Importance of Play w/ Boontarika Sripom
Positive Disintegration: On Positive Disintegration w/ Chris Wells
Productivity: ADHD Productivity w/ Arianna Bradford
Queerness: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Queerness w/ Leela Sinha
Rainforest Mind: Your Rainforest Mind Book Study w/ Paula Prober
Relationships: Drama vs. Passion w/ Alexandra Loves
Relationships: Navigating Healthy Relationships w/ Heather Boorman-Morris
Relationships: Twice Exceptional Relationships w/ Dr. Melanie Hayes
Resilience: On Resilience w/ Silver Huang
Self-Advocacy: Self-Advocacy w/ Dr. Matt Zakreski
Self-Care: Creativity as Self-Care w/ Sharon Burton
Self-Care: Tidying Up Your Brain (Marie Kondo Style) w/ Nadja Carghetti
Self-Compassion: Fostering Self-Compassion in Gifted Individuals w/ Heather Boorman
Sensitivity: Honoring Your Sensitivity w/ Leah Walsh
Sensitivity: Why Sensitives Need an Ego w/ Julia Wild
Stress Cycle: Breaking the Stress Cycle w/ Zarya Rubin, MD
Tidying Up Your Brain: Tidying Up Your Brain (Marie Kondo Style) w/ Nadja Carghetti
Time Management: Time Management w/ Emily Roach
Twice Exceptionality: Thriving as a Twice Exceptional Adult w/ Dr. Melanie Hayes
Twice Exceptionality: Twice Exceptional Relationships w/ Dr. Melanie Hayes
Wall of Awful: The Wall of Awful w/ Brendan Mahan
Writing to Heal: The Science of Writing to Heal w/ Nneka Denise
Writing to Heal: Writing to Heal w/ Nneka Coxeff - Who are the guest speakers included?Almodovar, Marc: Neurodivergent Leadership
Arms, Kate: Imposter Syndrome
Arms, Kate: Thriving with Intensity
Boorman, Heather: Fostering Self-Compassion in Gifted Individuals
Boorman-Morris, Heather: Navigating Healthy Relationships
Bradford, Arianna: ADHD Productivity
Brooks, René: On Motivation
Burton, Sharon: Creativity as Self-Care
Call, Anamaria: The Gifted Shift
Carghetti, Nadja: Tidying Up Your Brain (Marie Kondo Style)
Chhuom, Tiffany: Asynchronous Development in Gifted Adults
Coxeff, Nneka: Writing to Heal
Denise, Nneka: The Science of Writing to Heal
Douglass, Kimberly: Decolonizing Neurodivergence: From Violence to Love
Douglass, Kimberly: Play as a Tool for Decolonizing Neurodivergence
Fetters, Clinton: Goal Setting & Fear
Fonseca, Christine: Emotional Intensity
Fortier, Princess: The Healing Power of Music
Harry, Jeff: Dismantling Patriarchy Through Play
Harry, Jeff: Playing with Your Inner Critic
Hayes, Melanie: Thriving as a Twice Exceptional Adult
Hayes, Melanie: Twice Exceptional Relationships
Holtzman, Aurora Remember: Neurodivergent Labels
Holtzman, Aurora Remember: The Embracing Intensity Journey
Huang, Silver: On Resilience
Kelleher, Aileen: Perfectionism
Leary, Cosette: Building Confidence & Resilience
Loves, Alexandra: Drama vs. Passion
Mahan, Brendan: The Wall of Awful
McLoughlin, Mara: Neurodivergent Social Connection
Meade, Shannon: Talking with Your Inner Critic
Muhammad, Zaakirah: See Life Through a Different Lens
Osburn, Cate: Neurodivergent Intimacy
Prober, Paula: Your Rainforest Mind Book Study
Roach, Emily: Time Management
Rubin, Zarya: Breaking the Stress Cycle
Rubin, Zarya: From Burnout to Brilliance: Conquer Burnout & Truly Thrive
Sinha, Leela: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Queerness
Sripom, Boontarika: The Importance of Play
Triem, Rukshana: Connecting with Nature
Triem, Rukshana: Never Leave the Playground
Walsh, Leah: Honoring Your Sensitivity
Ware, Gary: Finding Your Way Back to the Playground
Wells, Chris: On Positive Disintegration
Wells, Chris: Overexcitability
Wild, Julia: Why Sensitives Need an Ego
Yamtich, Bob: Nonviolent Communication
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