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Executive Functioning Planner Bundle
"Get a planner" is not the magic fix people think it is, especially when they are designed by neurotypicals!

But as someone with late diagnosed ADHD, I do like having a physical place to track things and have gone though many hyper focus cycles finding the types of tools that work for me!

I liked the concept of the Bullet Journal (or BuJo), but the idea of drawing my own grids and re-writing things over and over seemed like a waste of time. So I started printing my own customized pages that I can fill in where needed and decorate as desired!

Now I bring to you my Executive Functioning Planner Bundle with 38 original printable planner pages, plus my PLUS a 32 page Planning & Prioritization Quick Guide and icon stickers!


38 Original Planner Pages

5.5x8.5 PDF for ease and portability (you can custom print 2 per page)

Dot grid style format

Hand drawn bujo look

22 icon stickers in black & colors

Decorate, or not, to suit your own mood

A 32 page Planning and Prioritization Quick Guide

Lifetime access on my membership site

Access the Executive Functioning Planner Bundle for $15, or join the Neurodivergent Toolkit for $4.99, then $9.99 a monthto access all printable neurodivergent tools & activities w/ new digital items each month!

Executive Functioning Planner 


Monthly Planner Club 


What is Executive Functioning?

Executive functioning is the ability to plan, focus, organize, and time effectively, which is often a challenge for neurodivergent folks, especially those of us with ADHD.

This planner has tools to address a wide range of executive dysfunction including planning & prioritization, working memory and metacognition (thinking about thinking). In addition to basic planner tools, you can also find prioritization & problem soliving tools I created specifically for gifted and neurodivergent creatives with a 32 page guide on how to use them!

Ok – first of all I have to say that I got a lot more than I expected with the purchase! This is life changing if you have ADHD! And I haven't even begun to use all the tools in this! The prioritizing & problem solving guide was my favorite part of this purchase – all the tips, info and resources to help me on my daily routine were really helpful! I can’t tell you how much this has helped me organize my thoughts. Thank you! Worth every penny!

Andreia Caproni

Planner Pages Include:

4 Yearly Planning Pages

2 Monthly

4 Weekly

2 Daily

8 Prioritization Tools

6 Problem Solving Tools

2 Goal Setting

2 Habit Trackers

2 Project Planning

2 Meal Planning

2 Notes

1 Password Log &  Blank Dot Grid

Executive Functioning Planner Bundle$15

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xExecutive Functioning Planner Bundle$15

All prices in USD

It's not a secret that neurodivergent people struggle with organization and time management. That's why the Executive Functioning Planner is such a lifesaver! The design is easily relatable and comes packed with great tools and tips. If you're neurodivergent and struggling with organization, I highly recommend this planner! ~ 

Lex Garey-Fernandez


I really like the charts and extra lists in the back sections. I will definitely be purchasing this as someone who struggles with Executive Dysfunction. I also think the font you picked is easy to read.

Elizabeth Morris